26 Union Street Morristown, VT

26 Union Street Morristown, VT

 in Morristown VT

MLS#: 5030735

This commercial listing is new to the market. It was listed on March 1st 2025 with a list price $475,000

Looking for an investment? This building has so much potential, Perhaps you are looking for income? Or a place to call home ? This building could have 4 units and a space for your office. One section of the building has not been completed, but is not far from being completed, You could make that your shop, very large office, or rent it . The second level has a kitchen that is open to a large room with plenty of space for all your gatherings, The building has so many possibilities. A little imagination and could be a nice home or an income producing property.
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Laurel Houle is the listing agent.  You can reach them at 802-888-1102  or feel free to email  at laurel.houle@pallspera.com


 in Morristown VT in Morristown VT in Morristown VT in Morristown VT

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